Tuesday, December 30, 2008

missing the old :c

i viewed some profiles of my old friends today on friendster, and browsed through some pics, and i must say, something similar 'bout their pics made me sad. hmp.

debating, for me, is something i did for about 3 years just because i had to. as i'm not a good debater at all, i actually don't consider myself a debater--even way back then. debating is an old activity.

but in my last year in high school, i feel (now regretting) that quitting is not a really good option. it's a perfectly bad timing. i had a spot in the debate varsity, so as they say, which is something actually special, or so they say.

but i don't know, 3 years and i didn't even get a chance to feel the real spirit of debating. (without, i don't know, getting my temper all flared up and giving almost-intimidating-but-convincing sulky speeches) yes. i think i suck that bad.

sure, i'd been to the interschools debate championships & philippine schools debate championships for 2 years, but going home only to be dissapointed-- again, for 2 years. sure, i was also one of the grand champions of the first crimson debate cup, but that was because i had such a great & smart partner, airrish.

before senior started, this is what i said to convince others, and myself of why i'm qutting debate..
"i have waaaay better things to do in my last year in high school than just to argue 'bout some important issue i don't even agree of.."
well, i guess it's just too late to regret that statement..

reminiscing, here are some of my debate pics with my friends:

  • my profile pic :D this shows my buddy pj & i. we were chilling (literally chilling, every round made me nervous) in one of the designated convening rooms at the ateneo de manila university before another debate round starts. this shot was taken last year at the psdc.

  • this was taken at the closing night of the psdc last year, taken by pj.

  • and lastly, here, my girls & i from the varsity having a lil pictorial in the girl's room. this was our last stay, so we were making the most out of it, and yes, we prioritize this more than packing our stuff :D

i miss these moments. but all i can do now is to reminisce my past and believe that it has made me a better person.

i know surely this past will be one of my treasures in the future :D